Portland, OR to Vancouver, WA

Wednesday July 22, 2009

     5:53am  6½ hours of sleep. I woke up about ten minutes ago.
                   Script evolution: Our evil government turns it into a money making drug and tries to brainwash everyone into thinking it is too.

                   Tries it's hardest

                   We've been tricked, but we're not falling for it anymore.

     7:12am  About five minutes ago I walked to the bus stop on Burnside and 5th Avenue. I'm going to ask for a courtesy ride.

                   Man, I am so blessed by having that camp. It's so perfectly concealed behind that big bush. I cleaned up some trash today.

     7:19am  The nice driver is giving me a courtesy ride to 82nd and Powell.

     7:38am  I am still on the bus to 82nd and Powell. I am reading this book somebody gave me. It's called Stone Hotel - Poems From Prison by Reagen Butcher. These are some amazing poems. On Page 39, there's a good poem:

short eyes

the hypocrisy is


the biggest

jesus freaks

are the rapists

and the child molesters

diseased sinners

scurrying to church

clutching vinyl covered bibles

and the preachers

sanctimonious con-men

are like benevolent sponges

wiping away guilt

like spilled


it’s bullshit

some things are beyond


these bible-backed pieces of shit

make me sick

their lips tremble with prayer

but their eyes dream

future crimes

God may forgive them

but i sure as hell don’t

                   Here's the whole book(.pdf)


                   Page 49

ball & chain

a few old girlfriends write to me in prison

it’s nice

they all have boyfriends, husbands, children

and good jobs

i have concrete and razor-wire, steel doors

and psychopathic neighbors

but i don’t think

i’d trade places with them

because in a few more years

i will be free

and it seems that they

never will be

     8:43am  I was standing on my corner spreading the word. I gave this girl my website and she drove back around and gave me some change. Rebecca. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. Hey, can I take your picture?

                   Somebody just hooked me up with a five dollar bill!

                   On my appropriate occasions quote, after that put, "Look up the term subversion."

     9:08am  This old man just walked up to me and handed me some change. He wouldn't accept my website though. Hehe, hook a brother up/smoke a brother out. I am making tons of people smile today. This one guy told me, "I love your shirt! I love your shirt!"

     9:29am  Clown wig time, hehe.

                   Whoa, right now this guy just drove by and yelled out of his car, "Get out of Oregon!" He just 86ed me, I'm not scared.

     9:42am  Ha, now this chump bus driver right now, when he pulled up I asked him, "Are you feeling generous today, sir?" He had a scolding look on his face and said, "Certainly not! Not after the abuse the other day!" Haha, I must have made him feel like a greedy ass and called him a good little slave. The truth hurts! Hahaha. I wasn't abusing you. You're being abused by our evil system. You are an owned slave and you chose to enslave yourself. Fit of denial, I tell you!

                   Oh yeah, I got a hair up my ass to leave. I've got nothing tying me down to Portland. I've pissed a couple people off. I am already well-known here already. I can go spread the word somewhere else. Everybody knows my website. My giveaway totally evolved here in Portland. Blowing people's minds left and right.

                   Plus, there's no such thing as bad publicity! Muhahaha.

     11:24am  I rode the 9 to the 205 onramp. Courtesy ride, of course. I told the driver, "I'm skipping town never to return." Of course he let me on, hehe. I'm going to thumb it to Seattle.

     11:57am  About five minutes ago I got bored on the onramp and I walked back to Powell and 92nd. I could've sworn I saw a city transit bus going North on 205. I think it was the 77. I'm going to ask a 9 driver when one comes.

                     The guy driving the 9 was all a dickhead and ignorant. I'm going to try and thumb it on the onramp again.

     12:08pm  Haha, I just had a run-in with the police, Officer Hanby. I got bored on the onramp real quick and started walking back towards the bus stop. This traffic was piled up at the light and I jaywalked diagonally to the other side of the street that the bus stop was on. He pulled up all aggro and getting in my face. He asked me what I was doing. I told him walking to the bus stop so I could leave town. I told him my work here was done. He was still pissed off so I told him, "What are you going to do, write me a ticket?" He shot back, "You want one?!" I told him, "Sure, I'm collecting tickets. I'm traveling. I don't care." He told me he could take me in for disorderly conduct and I'd have to stay a night in jail. I told him, "Ok then, then I sincerely apologize and I promise never to jaywalk in your town again. Can I leave Portland now?" He ran my ID and just let me go. Right now I'm on the bus going to the Gresham Transfer Center. I'm going to Sandy.

     2:09pm  I came to the bus stop after I played with the cop. It seems I am going to Seattle. I should have told him there was no such thing as bad publicity. I'm going to Vancouver today. Washington, not Canada. I told this bus driver my story, but I had to cut it short because his bus came.

     2:44pm  I got off the bus in Gresham. I saw a Main City Park, so I got off the bus because I need to take a nap. I'm tired.

     4:20pm  Ha, it's four-twenty. I just got woken up by a cop for taking a nap in the park. He just ran my ID, that's it.

                   Welcome to Historic Downtown Gresham. I'll take a picture.

                   Serranos Fresh Mexican Food, perfect.

                   Crazy, all the people who worked there were Asian. I walked in and asked, "Is this a Mexican restaurant?" This Asian girl tells me, "You want dinner?" I told her, "No, I want some Mexicans," and walked out.

     4:57pm  I went into Wall Street Pizza and got some ice. I didn't ask for mistakes.

                   Hmm, Tapatia #6, hmm, another Mexican restaurant. Let's see what they tell me.

     5:01pm  Armando at Tapatia #6 is going to give me some food. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.
                   See, I had gone to that pseudo-taqueria, Serranos. After I left there I spotted another one. It's a bar too, so I wasn't sure at first. I walked around the building to find the entrance and I walk into a big huge room. There's a TV playing Mexican Videos. They didn't notice me at first. They were in the back bar part. One dude eventually walked out and I gave him my gasoline for the stomach line in Spanish. He told me to hold on and went to ask somebody. He came out again and told me, "She said to sit down." He offered me some water and I told him I had plenty, ice cold. He offered me some soda and I told him thanks anyway. I've got enough gas.

     5:07pm  Wow! He brought me out this huge steak! I took a picture.

     5:25pm  I was treated like royalty at that place.

     5:37pm  I came to the transit center about five minutes ago. The 12 isn't here. I hope I get a courtesy ride when it comes.

     5:56pm  The nice driver gave me a courtesy ride. I'm going to Sandy. Ask and thou shall receive. Some rules never change.

     6:42pm  I just that most awesome presentation with the bus driver. When I first got on the bus I walked to the back and unloaded. The bus was pretty much empty and his eyes were glued to me in his mirror. He asked me, "Are you busy?" He wanted to hear my story. I was happy to oblige. I gave him my usual, "Will conversation distract you?" He just dropped me off at the Rose Quarter transfer center. I'm going to walk to the onramp and hitch out of here.

                   Park Rose Sumner Station. I'm waiting for the 65, the CTrans bus across the river to Vancouver.

                   The nice driver is giving me a courtesy ride to Washington. Thanks for mobilizing me. Everybody gets credit.

                   I got to the transfer center in Vancouver. I asked the next two bus drivers going downtown for a courtesy ride, but they both said no. Luckily, this one driver got off the bus to use the restroom and when he walked by me he told me nice shirt. I gave him my website like every other person who says nice shirt to me. After he had walked off I thought to hit him up for a transfer. I found him after he got out of the restroom and hit him up. I told him it was for a good cause. He, for sure, got on his bus and ripped me off a transfer. I told him I wanted to go downtown and pass out my website.

     7:55pm  Hehe, I tested the next driver. I got on and asked for a courtesy ride and when he told me no I got on anyway with my transfer. "I was just testing you, psyche." Good little slave.

                   I haven't been taking much pictures.

     8:29pm  I'm walking down Main Street.

                   Weird, I walked to the end of Main Street and I saw this trail close to the highway. There's a no hitchhikers sign on the onramp here. I followed the trail and saw a row of trees and went under one. I unzipped my pants and pulled it out and took a leak. I heard voices and I checked and down the row of trees are some street kids. I'm going to go say hi to them.

     10:09pm  I have to make an update. Remember I told you I was taking a piss and I heard people? I thought they were street kids. I went over there and hung out while they drank beer. It was this older homeless dude and these two younger kids right out of highschool age. The girl Kayla was a bit chunky and talked very sexual. Jake was trying to hit it, but she wouldn't let him. And least not yet. He's gotta wait. I asked him if he had a garage or backyard I could camp in and he said sure. I'll tell you what happens.

     1:29am  I just love having automatic friends everywhere I go. I followed this Jake guy home to his house in this little ghetto. It was a long walk, but I don't mind. He lives with this 39 year old lady, who is proud to say Jake is her boytoy.

Next day..

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