Portsmouth to Piketon, OH

Thursday July 3, 2008

     6:53am  I just woke up. I got 6.53 hours of sleep. I went to bed at midnight.

     7:20am  I woke up and I had a good little morning smoking session. I got a lot of weed left from that dimebag I scored last night. I smoked everybody out last night. Anyway, I brushed my teeth in this yellow clubhouse they have back here. I'm going to take pictures of it.
     7:28am  I didn't take any pictures. I'm leaving. I'm going to the school now.

                   Last night I was telling Andrew my story in the park. At the end of the presentation I asked him if he had any questions and he sincerely told me, "Tears came to my eyes. I've been really inspired. It was great." I'm walking down Scioto Trail about to this overpass.

                   Man, just behold how nicely I have been situated here in Portsmouth, Ohio.

     7:45am  I turned left on Gay Street. I'm over by the Kroger.

     8:08am  I kind of got lost looking for the college. I asked this lady for directions and she pointed me the right way. I'm at Offenere Street, just passed fourth.

     8:17am  At long-last I am at Clark Memorial Library. I'm going to go to the bathroom and take a shit and stuff. Then I'll go outside and eat and smoke. Then I'll start making HTML files.

     8:28am  I just came out from taking a shit. I came outside and I'm going to eat my Texas size cinnamon roll.

     11:41am  I'm done with my stuff. I'm done proofreading. I just have to add pictures. I can't get the pictures off of my digital camera because I don't have a cable for it. I need to find me a laptop that has the slot it needs. The SanDisk slot. Unless somebody lets me borrow their digital camera so I can plug it in. My journal is updated all the way to Huntington, like two or three days ago.

     11:56am  About two minutes ago I took a smokebreak outside of the library underneath a tree. I'm walking now. I need to find me somebody with a laptop.

     12:33pm  I walked all the way back to the house. Nobody is home.

     1:12pm  I am all loaded up and ready to go and skip town. I'm going to go hit up the Domino's. It turns out the house that I was crashing at is on Hwy 23. Like a mile away it turns into a full four-lane highway.

     1:23pm  No mistakes at the Pizza Hut, but I did get to fill up my waterbag with ice water. I'm going to have cold water to drink on this walk.

     1:39pm  I just came out of the Wendy's. I bought me two Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers.

     1:48pm  I walked a little down the road and saw that it turned and there probably isn't another gas station closeby. I'm going to walk back over by the Wendy's and stand there and thumb it.

     2:30pm  I got bored thumbing it. I loaded up and I'm walking. I crossed the street illegally. Fuck the system.

     2:40pm  Passing Lowry Hollow Road. It started drizzling.

     2:47pm  It started drizzling so I walked to Valerie's Homespun Treasures and took cover for a little bit. It stopped drizzling now so I'm going to keep walking. I think I saw a tall sign for a Days Inn down the road. Where there's hotels there's gas stations.

     2:51pm  Waverly 26, Columbus 86.

     3:08pm  It started drizzling hard again.

     3:10pm  It already stopped raining. I'm walking again.

     3:18pm  I stopped and ate some crackers.

     3:21pm  Hell yeah, I was thumbing it for just a little bit and a cop drove by and honked at me telling me to get off. Right then these two brothers pulled over and rescued me. I'm sure that pig would've come back eventually. Mark and Ivan. I really appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:44pm  I just got delivered to Piketon. I was rescued. They gave me like two bucks and four or five cigarettes.

                   I just found out that it is illegal to hitchhike in Ohio.

     4:05pm  This dude I saw riding a bike before I got picked up, he rode over to me and handed me some money. I appreciate it, brother. Thanks a lot.

     4:25pm  Nice Aaron is giving me a ride closer to 32 to some gas station. I really appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

     4:32pm  About five minutes ago Aaron dropped me off at a Marathon. He gave me some food. Some yogurt and some snacks.

     4:47pm  Eddie is giving me a ride to the next store. I appreciate it, Eddie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:49pm  I messed up once again. It's like the fourth time I do this. I stashed my weed and when I got my ride I forget about it. Eddie was nice enough to bring me back to get it. I really appreciate it, brother. You are awesome.

     6:04pm  I just got dropped off at some little store Eddie told me about. He told me it was okay to thumb it on this road, just not the interstate. I am really glad he turned around and got my weed for me.

                   I'm close to Gleason Road.

     6:23pm  I came to the highway. I'm going to stand here and thumb it.

     7:46pm  I got tired of thumbing it. I'm going to walk back to the store.

     7:49pm  Man, I'm stupid. No, I'm probably just stoned. I left my weed where I stashed it where I was thumbing it for an hour. I'm going to walk back and get my weed again, hehe.

     9:06pm  I've just been hanging out at the store.

     9:08pm  This gas station is dead. It doesn't even have a name. I'm going to walk back to the highway. I'll try and find a place to camp. This lady told me that it wasn't supposed to rain until six tomorrow.

                    I don't know what time it is. A little bit after nine, I think. Nine thirty maybe. I just made my bed under this one-land bridge that's close to where I was thumbing it. Gleason Road, I think. I'll take pictures in the morning. It's not too dark right now. I'm going to wake up really early. Right under the bridge it's all moist and damp, so I put my military rain poncho down. It was already wet on top from another night, but I can dry it off with my towel. I'm going to smoke some weed and go to bed.

     10:05pm  I am crashing out.

Next day..


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